@ARTICLE {CWE / 1803/2020,作者= {},journal = {当前世界环境},Publisher = {},标题= {Aurangabad,印度肯塔基州Kham河概念恢复策略的环境影响评估。},年= {},月= {},卷= {67},URL = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1260/},页面= {663-682},摘要= {在目前的研究中,环境影响评估开展了Kham河上的人为活动。从Harsul Lake下游的8公里延伸到哈拉邦城市的Chavani Bridge上游,被选为使用Battelle环境评估系统的水质,洪水风险,生态和美学方面进行评估。对于水质监测八个沿河流长度的采样站被选中,并在每个季节采集样品进行溶解氧,生物化学需氧量,pH,总溶解固体和总悬浮固体的实验室分析。水质分析的结果表明,与Chavani Bridge的剩余5kms延伸相比,3kms上游3kms的水质3kms的水质相当良好。河流河流域的横截面调查进行了测量沿盆地浓度的程度。横截面调查结果表明,河流盆地的宽度为36.16米。生态评估沿河流域附近,列出了植物群,鸟类和鱼类。生态调查结果表明,该河流有各种各样的植物群和鸟类和鱼类在河上游抵达。 The survey of recreational and historically important monuments along the basin was carried out and those places were listed for study of aesthetical aspects. The results of aesthetical survey shows that there are many places of that importance along the vicinity of the basin namely Harsul Lake, Himayat Baug, Bibi-ka-Maqbara, Panchakki, Makai Gate, Barapulla Gate, Mehmood Gate and Siddarth garden. The Battelle environmental evaluation system result shows a negative impact of – 375 units and the conceptual strategies for the restoration of Kham River are also recommended.}, number = {74}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.15.3.31} }