@ARTICLE {CWE / 1381/2019,Author = {},Journal = {当前世界环境},Publisher = {},标题= {社交媒体的渔业生态系统和使用模式的电子覆盖率},年= {},月份= {},卷= {61},URL = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1151/},页面= {260-266},摘要= {互联网的渗透以及随后的社交媒体使用,尤其是青年日复一日。在这方面,进行了一项研究,以通过社交媒体确定学生的互联网和社交媒体使用以及他们访问专业(渔业)信息的模式。对于本研究,社交媒体已被分为两种广泛类别,即社交网站和即时消息应用程序。预先测试的问卷被用于通过在线和离线模式来收集数据,从本科,大师和博士组成的223名受访者。使用MS-Excel和SPSS软件分析了通过调查获得的数据。结果表明,渔业专业人士使用社交媒体花费了大量的时间,特别是Facebook和YouTube,其中近一半的消费> 4小时/天。ResearchGate(68.5%),Google Scholar(67.5%),YouTube(65.3%)和Facebook(55.2%)是最优先/使用的应用程序,用于访问渔业相关信息,而WhatsApp(82.1%)和FB信使(53%)是即时消息应用程序之间的最佳选择。 Though entertainment was prime reason for majority (58.3%) for accessing Facebook, News (49.5%) and professional information (46.6%) are also considered important by almost half the students. In the case of YouTube, it was entertainment (81%), professional information (60%) and news (50.6%), the same reasons but slightly varying degrees. Analysis of tests of significance showed that usage pattern was similar across both male and female students except for FB usage, which females accessed less frequently. The study also documents the list of Facebook pages maintained by various fisheries professional groups. }, number = {63}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.14.2.10} }