@ARTICLE {CWE / 1301/2019,作者= {},Journal = {当前世界环境},Publisher = {},标题= {Hoovering活动对马来西亚Mosques主要祷告大厅的生物污染物和微粒物质水平的影响,年= {},月= {},卷= {61},URL = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1120/},页面= {134-142},摘要= {在马来西亚,地毯常用为整理地板材料在清真寺的主要祈祷室。在清洁地毯中,Hoovering一直是最流行的方法,但它直接触发了可能含有细菌和真菌的灰尘的振奋。Hoovering的活动和通风策略(空调分割单位(ACSUS)或主动通风(非ACSUS))可以影响细菌和真菌生长的患病率。本研究旨在建立总细菌计数,总体真菌计数,以及在主要祷告大厅的不同通风策略(ACSUS和NONSUSUS)下的PM10浓度。本研究也发生了细菌和真菌物种的鉴定。采样在25个清真寺建筑(17个ACSUS和8个非ACSUS)中进行,在Zohor-Asar和Marau Pinang,马来西亚Pulau-Asar和星期五的Asar祷告会上。结果表明,总细菌计数,总体真菌计数和平均PM10浓度高于ACSUS的清晰度高于与非ACSUS在166cfu / m3至660 cfu / m3的非ACSUS,从118 CFU / M3至660 CFU /M3和11.15±9.32μg/ m3分别为49.30±13.13μg/ m3。总细菌计数超出了工业实践守则对室内空气质量(ICOP)的可接受指南限制,但总体杀菌数量和PM10浓度没有。 In some mosques, the total bacterial and fungal counts did not decrease even after hoovering activities were completed. The dominant types of bacteria found in the mosque buildings were Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus spp. and Micrococci spp., whilst the dominant fungal species was Aspergillus niger. Although the findings were not alarming, care should be taken by mosques authorities especially while and after hoovering, to ensure that, the indoor air quality in mosques are being maintained within the permissible limit to protect worshippers from being exposed to bacterial and fungal.}, number = {62}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.14.1.12} }