作者@article {CWE / 1198/2018 ={} ={}当前世界环境》杂志上的出版商= {},title ={生物医学垃圾对城市Cuttack}的影响,年={},月={},体积= {53},url = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1080/},页面={},文摘={浪费从卫生保健中心生成及其管理在印度新出现的问题。对这类废物的不当管理对健康和环境产生不利影响。虽然这些废物只占全部废物的一小部分,但由于其剧毒和传染性,需要进行特别处理和处置,以管理这些废物。卡塔克市有7家主要的政府专科医院。据地区首席医疗官介绍,卡塔克有131家注册疗养院、诊所、病理和诊断中心,300多家未经注册的疗养院、诊所、病理和诊断中心也产生大量生物医学废物。该市大多数保健中心要么将废物倾倒在市政垃圾桶或Mahanadi河和Taladanda运河边,要么将废物移交给未经授权的私人当事方。最终由拾荒者收集以供重用。保健中心对这些废物的非法处置可能会导致肝炎、艾滋病和其他致命疾病等严重疾病的传播。本研究的重点是卡塔克市各医院和许多其他保健中心遵循的管理做法以及生物医学废物对环境的影响。根据这项研究,在市政垃圾桶中发现的不道德的露天倾倒和未分离的混合生物医学废物,对拾荒者、医院工作人员和公众都是严重的健康危害。 The study also found that wastes generated from the radio diagonostics centres, and the laboratory units disposed off directly into the municipal sewer without proper disinfection of pathogens, ultimately flowing to the river Mahanadi and Kathajodi and also to the Taladanda canal through various drains of the city. The results of the study showed that there is an adverse impact of the biomedical wastes on Cuttack city due to mismanagement which needs strict enforcement of laws and other legal provisions for better environmental management system for the disposal of biomedical waste in order to bring back congenial and healthy environment for city dwellers. }, number = {56}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.13.2.11} }